Monday, October 15, 2007

Don't settle for the middle of the road

Seth Godin has once again hit the nail right on the head. No one needs to be told that the recording industry is in a tailspin. Sales of CDs are down, profits are down, and very few in the industry have grasped the concept of moving towards digital delivery of their product. In about 300 words, Seth tells us that not all is lost; there are a few brave souls out there who are not only still making great music, but are embracing the future of music distribution. These forward-thinkers are going to pull the recording industry along for the ride (kicking and screaming if necessary), and that is the point of the story. Every industry when faced with change has a few people who are willing to take big risks to make a difference. Those who are not willing to be leaders are destined to be the middle of the road, or worse yet, left behind altogether.

There is always an opportunity to be the forward-thinker, no matter what you do. Do you think that Steven Levitt was the first economist to look at subjects such as drug dealers or swimming pools vs. guns? Probably not, but he was the guy who took the risk, and published the book about them.

Don't settle for middle of the road, be the forward thinker!

1 comment:

kevinmhuff said...

Ha! I read this as "the artist formerly known as Prince" is on the news for what I'd call sending conflicting messages about online music distribution... what great timing and what a great blog! You are more of a ranter and a raver, though. I have thoroughly enjoyed every one of your posts, through this one. The best part is, everything I read generates more infinideas and proves the point of infinormation! Keep it up!

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